
Thursday, December 10, 2009

C#: Calling/Overriding Grandparent Base Class Methods

I use a base class for 99% of my ASP.Net pages, which executes a few operations in the OnInit() method. Here's a simplified version:
public abstract class BasePage : System.Web.UI.Page, IBasePage
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
// Do stuff

// Call System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit
This works great for all my child classes/pages, but there are a few scenario's where I'd only like to call a specific set of methods, as illustrated here:
public class MyPage: BasePage
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
// Ommit Method2()

// This calls BasePage.OnInit, which makes
// redudant calls to Method1() and Method3(),
// and the undesired call to Method2().

It is obvious that the last base.OnInit(e) call will have the undesired effect. Being 6:23 PM, after coding all day, my fried brain's initial thought was to bypass the base class' OnInit(e) method and to call the grandparent's OnInit(e) method directly.

An obvious faux pas. Whenever venturing into the "grandparent" or "grandchild" realm (more than one degree of seperation), you're probably going down the wrong path.

The proper and easy approach is merely to move the method calls out to a seperate method, which one overrides in the child class like so:
public abstract class BasePage : System.Web.UI.Page, IBasePage
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
// Do stuff

// Call System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit

protected virtual void Initialize()

public class MyPage: BasePage
protected override void Initialize()
// Do stuff

Monday, December 7, 2009

GNU Plot and SVG: Change the terminal size and font

Again, not really a dev related issue, but I did not find much info online regarding this.

When using gnuplot to create SVG files, one use the set term svg command that sets the following defaults:
gnuplot> set term svg
Terminal type set to 'svg'
Options are 'size 640 480 fixed fname 'Arial' fsize 12 butt '

One can speficy custom parameters to get the desired output:
gnuplot> set term svg size 640,350 fname 'Times New Roman' fsize 10
Terminal type set to 'svg'
Options are 'size 640 350 fixed fname 'Times New Roman' fsize 10 butt '